Tuesday 9 August 2016

Eight Short Weeks

This diet can be hard. Fact.

Restricting yourself to 800 calories-a-day when you are (if like me) used to eating pretty much what you want, when you want, it is obviously going to cause you some anguish.

If, also like me, you enjoy snacking on foods which are high in sugar between meals and then eating starchy carbohydrate-based meals like bread, pasta, rice or potatoes three times a day, then cutting back to 800 calories is going to feel like a massive slap in the face.

But it doesn’t have to be difficult. If get your head on side, your stomach will follow (I promise).

If you accept that you are only on this diet for eight short weeks, it becomes instantly easier.
If you tell yourself that when this diet is over you are going to make and eat a whole banoffee pie, so be it – if that makes it easier for you (one of my genuine thoughts a few days ago).
If you weigh yourself and see you have lost another pound – easier still.
If you look in the mirror and you think ‘I can see cheekbones’ or ‘my skin looks clearer’ then it becomes easier again.

I was speaking to a mum friend earlier today; we were speaking about the length of the summer holidays. She said, “you think six weeks is ages but it really isn’t.” And it’s really not. No sooner do the summer holidays begin then you realise you’re three weeks in and you’d better make that dreaded trip to Clarks to spend all your wages on one overpriced pair of school shoes that your two children have to share because you can’t afford two pairs…

This diet is only two weeks longer than the school holidays. So, just get into it. Get your head into it. Try to enjoy it. And before you can say I’m on the 8-week 800 calorie-a-day blood sugar diet, it will be over.

Keep on repeating those small positives to yourself until they suddenly become big positives and you realise you feel amazing, empowered, strong, confident, different and better. Ready for change.  

Tomorrow I go for my first run since starting the diet. That could be a real challenge. I’ll let you know how I get on. 

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