Monday 1 August 2016

The Worst Day to Start a Diet

Monday. The worst day to start a diet, in my opinion. Mondays are not only the toughest day of the week for me (and most other people too I would imagine) but adding that extra kick in the bum of restricting calories can be make-or-break.

Not only do I task myself with all the washing, changing sheets, cleaning bathroom and food shopping every Monday. On this particular Monday I have both boys at home all day looking at me like they couldn't be more bored (while I scrub the bathroom floor on my hands and knees) and constantly begging for food. But also, my husband comes home from work for five minutes before he walks straight back out to go to football. Not even stopping for dinner ("I told you I wasn't eating dinner last night." Maybe he did but I was too pissed to remember if he told me or not - so I kept my mouth closed).

Considering Mondays are usually the toughest day of the week for me by far, I always feel a dull sense of satisfaction when I collapse, shattered, into my clean bed and fall asleep quicker than I do any other night of the week. Today will be no exception, especially because I completed the first day of my diet with no hiccups, trips ups or biscuits. I did well and I'm proud of myself. So did Mum. We have both had challenging but successful first days. And despite starting our diets on the toughest day of the week, we have both sailed through the adversity of Monday only to come out smiling on the other side.

Today I have only consumed a meagre, yet surprisingly satisfactory, 800 calories and I feel great.

I may still have a huge pile of ironing to do tonight, but maybe, just maybe, Monday isn't such a bad day to start a diet on after all...

Breakfast - Raspberry Green Tea Shake
Dinner - Lamb Mince and Aubergine
Lunch - Stuffed Jewelled Pepper

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