Tuesday 2 August 2016

Too Tired to Type... zzz

Tuesday. Day 2. A grand total of 600 calories have passed my lips (plus 6 cashews = 54 calories, I just checked). So, 654 calories.

Avocado and Poached Egg (with chilli flakes)
My breakfast was poached egg on avocado and to be honest I didn't really enjoy it at all. Something about the cold avocado and the warm egg made me shiver. Needless to say I won't be eating that breakfast again in a hurry.

I have been to work today and it was a struggle. I found it difficult to concentrate; my head was swimming all day. I had a shake for lunch while at work which was fine, but I left work feeling hungry.  

Since getting home from work I have hoovered the house, cooked two lots of dinner and prepared some of my mum's dinner as well. I have done some washing and washed up. I could get into bed and go to sleep for the whole night, and it's only 7.30pm. I am shattered. Worn out. Lethargic.

However, I have done it. I have completed day two and that is certainly something to celebrate with a peppermint tea before I pass out.

I am looking forward to this getting easier when my body adjusts to the proteins and veg which is fuelling it rather than the carbs and sugars it is used to. So far no headache - good news. But tonight my tummy is aching for something else to eat: a biscuit, a chocolate bar... something, anything! I will resist though, and go to bed early.

Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

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